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How to add SectionList 's sections in React Native from an array

I have an array of objects called movies (const movies = movie[]). A movie has the following properties:

  movie: {
    name: string;
    description: string;
    date: Date;
    duration: number

I want to use a RN SectionList component, making sections from the (Day):

**20 june 2020:**

Movie name | description | duration

Movie name | description | duration

**18 april 2020:**

Movie name | description | duration

Movie name | description | duration


How do I make the section and also how do I group my movies' array by date? I'm using lodash, but doing const groupedMovies = groupBy(movies, movie =>; returns a collection and not an array.



  • So you need to convert the data from the format

       "18 april 2020": [{...}, {...}, {...}],

    into the format

       { "title": "18 April 2020", "data": [{...}, {...}, {...}] },

    you can do this conversion as follows

    const groupedMovies = groupBy(movies, movie =>;
    let data = Object.entries(groupedMovies).map(([key, value]) => ({ title: key, data: value }))

    or with lodash's map

    const groupedMovies = groupBy(movies, movie =>;
    let data = map(groupedMovies, (value, key) => ({ title: key, data: value }))