Is there a way to simplify? I have the date_billing
column selected three times for the entire date, month, and year. Is there a way to do something like ->having('YEAR(date_billing)', '=', $this->year);
and the same with month? What I have works, but it's a lot of repeating and I'm sure there is a better way. The below is
'date_billing' => Invoice::select(DB::raw('date_billing'))
->whereColumn("id", "=", "invoice_line_item.invoice_id"),
'month' => Invoice::select(DB::raw('MONTH(date_billing) month'))
->whereColumn("id", "=", "invoice_line_item.invoice_id"),
'year' => Invoice::select(DB::raw('YEAR(date_billing) year'))
->whereColumn("id", "=", "invoice_line_item.invoice_id")
->having('year' ,'=', $this->year)
I fixed the 'year' by adding ->whereYear()
allowing me to take out the 'year' from the addSelect array, but I still have to have the month.
'date_billing' => Invoice::select(DB::raw('date_billing'))
->whereColumn("id", "=", "invoice_line_item.invoice_id"),
->whereYear("date_billing", $this->year),
'month' => Invoice::select(DB::raw('MONTH(date_billing) month'))
->whereColumn("id", "=", "invoice_line_item.invoice_id"),
Interesting, I haven't used addSelect
or whereColumn
This is untested and a guess, if there are other parts to the query builder then it would be helpful to see those.
Are you using a join
or leftJoin
->addSelect(DB::raw('date_billing, YEAR(date_billing) year'))
->whereColumn('id', 'invoice_line_item.invoice_id')
->having('year', '=', $this->year)