In Excel the fucntion DateDiff, also let us used atribute like MD : to find the days left post calculating months, but unable to use in in VBA
Start Date: 7/8/2020
End Date: 6/3/2021
Answer should be : 10 months 26 days
Please let me know a method to do this using VBA excel
fromDate = TextBox1.Value
Dim toDate As Date
toDate = TextBox2.Value
diff = DateDiff("m", fromDate, toDate) – To find months
totaldays = DateDiff("d", fromDate, toDate) – To find total days
projected_Date = DateAdd("m", (diff), fromDate) – Adding the month to start date
days_diff_proj = DateDiff("d", projected_Date, toDate) Finding the remaining days
TextBox3.Value = CStr(diff) + " Months " + CStr(days_diff_proj) + " Days "
i assume that toDate is always larger that fromDate.
Your attemt to first calculate the month difference is good. However, as VBA does rounding, you need to catch the case that the calculated number of months is to to large - in that case do the calculation by reducing the number of monthes by one.
Dim month_diff_proj As Long
month_diff_proj = DateDiff("m", fromDate, toDate)
Dim projected_Date As Date, days_diff_proj As Long
projected_Date = DateAdd("m", month_diff_proj, fromDate)
If projected_Date > toDate Then
month_diff_proj = month_diff_proj - 1 ' reduce by 1 month
projected_Date = DateAdd("m", month_diff_proj, fromDate)
End If
days_diff_proj = DateDiff("d", projected_Date, toDate)
Debug.Print month_diff_proj, days_diff_proj