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Put Vimeo thumbnail URL into each same class div - jquery

I find a way on how to get the Vimeo thumbnail URL by jquery already. But my page will have more than one Vimeo video. Not sure how can I put the related thumbnail URL for its related div. I tried using "each" "var image as a set of image" .. but none of them seem working.

$(".video-container").each( function() {
  var iframe           = $(this).children('iframe');
  var iframe_src       = iframe.attr('src');
  if (iframe_src.indexOf("") >= 0) {
    // alert('youtube');
  } else if (iframe_src.indexOf("") >= 0) {
    var vimeoVideoID = iframe_src.match(/vimeo\.com.*(\?v=|\/video\/)(.{9})/).pop();
    // alert(vimeoVideoID);

    $.getJSON('' + vimeoVideoID, {
        format: "json",
        width: "640"
      function(data) {
        // alert(data.thumbnail_url);
        $(".video-container").css( "background-image", "url('"+data.thumbnail_url+"')" );
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-size: 100%;

.video-container iframe{
width: 100%; 
height: auto;
display: none;
<script src=""></script>

        <h4>Vimeo video 1</h4>
        <div class="video-container">
          <iframe width="750" height="420" src="" frameborder="0" title="Video Title"></iframe>

      <h4>Vimeo video 2</h4>
        <div class="video-container">
          <iframe width="750" height="420" src="" frameborder="0" title="Video Title"></iframe>


  • on this line u set the background image to every element with class .video-container

    $(".video-container").css( "background-image", "url('"+data.thumbnail_url+"')" );

    i would store "this" referrencing the current element with class .video-container

    $(".video-container").each( function() {
       var $self = $(this); 

    and on api success i would do

     $self.css( "background-image", "url('"+data.thumbnail_url+"')" );

    PS: Alternatively u can just use the params of jquery´s each like:
