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unit, integration, system tests for Codeblocks IDE

I recently was given control of a project that is based on the Codeblocks IDE. This project consists of large make scripts, gcc for motorola microcontrollers, and example C programs. The code is under subversion source-control, but there are no test scripts.

I am wondering what the best test package for windows based software is. I would like the ability to launch the software, open a project and compile. Then I would look in the output directory for specific files, binaries, etc. I have the ability to provision a dedicated VM to this task.

I'm wondering if there's a better way for testing than fully launching the IDE and clicking through menus.

I wish this project was assembled with Test-driven development in mind, but now I'm being forced to add in test afterwards.

Thanks for any advice u might have


  • I am looking into tools such as eggPlant. Unfortunatly this tool costs $6000. I cannot afford this right now so I am still not sure of the answer. Thanks for your input tho.