Currently my automation framework built on Cucumber+ Nodejs+ webdriverio. It has the following structure for data files
In my step definition I need to import the data files so that my functions can use the data as per the region I intend to execute which I provide during run time
How should I mention my import command? for example, I tried the following but that does not work import users from '../main/data/*';
Posting a solution which I came across
Step 1: Add an index.js file under /data folder Step 2: Adding the following code in index.js
import * as region1 from "../region1"
import * as region2 from "../region2"
export {
Now in the file that requires this data, add the following import line
import myValues from "./main/data"
You need to pass your required region from command line as an environment variable lets say as REGION
If you want to access a value from respective region file based on value passed in REGION, the following code will work
const myreqData = myValues[process.env.REGION].<respective node in the js]