So I have a pretty simple dynamic programming solution to the "longest increasing subsequence" problem (find the longest subsequence of increasing elements in a given sequence, for instance for [1, 7, 2, 6, 4] it would be [1, 2, 4]), which can also find the actual subsequence (as opposed to just lenght):
sequence = [1, 8, 6, 4, 9, 8, 3, 5, 2, 7, 1, 9, 5, 7]
listofincreasing = [[] for _ in range(len(sequence))]
for right in range(1, len(sequence)):
for left in range(right):
if (sequence[left] < sequence[right]) and (len(listofincreasing[right]) < len(listofincreasing[left])):
listofincreasing[right] = [] + listofincreasing[left]
print(max(listofincreasing, key=len))
These sort of brainteasers are pretty manageable for me, but I don't really know the hard theory behind this. My question is this: How would I go about creating a cost function that would formally describe "how I am filling the list', so to speak? Could someone show me how to approach these problems on this example? Thanks in advance.
Edit - some people asked for a clarification. In the most succint way possible, I would need to create a mathematic function in the the exact same way as it is created here: in the "formula to solve coin change using dynamic method:" section, but not for the change making problem but for my solution of the longest increasing subsequence problem
You are looking for a recursive formulation of the overlapping subproblems in your dynamic programming solution.
be the longest increasing subsequence of the first x characters of the sequence S. The solution to the problem is then LONGEST(S,|S|)
Recursively (using 1-based indexing):
LONGEST(S,x) = S[1] if x = 1. Otherwise,
LONGEST(S,x) = the longest of:
LONGEST(S,y), where 1 <= y < x, or
LONGEST(S,y) + S[x], where 1 <= y < x and LAST_ELMENT(LONGEST(S,y)) < S[x]
Since LONGEST(S,x)
depends only on the values for smaller prefixes, we can produce the values iteratively in order of increasing x, and that is what your program does.