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Change a function's return type based on size of std::tuple


The following is a simplified, contrived example of an issue that I'm facing. Essentially, I need an object that can hold an arbitrary number of items, and return those items when needed.

template<typename... Ts>
class Foo {
    Foo(Ts... args) :
        mArgs{std::forward<Ts>(args)} {

    std::tuple<Ts...> getArgs() const {
        return mArgs;

    std::tuple<Ts...> mArgs;

This works fine when args > 1.

Foo<int, int> f{1, 2};
auto result = f.getArgs(); // result is a tuple containing two ints.

However, if args == 1, I would prefer to NOT get a tuple from getArgs.

Foo<int> f{1};
auto result = f.getArgs(); // result is a tuple, but I want it to be an int.


Is there a way, perhaps using SFINAE, to define another getArgs function that is used when args == 1? Something like (and this is obviously very wrong):

template<typename = std::enable_if_t<std::tuple_size_v<Ts...> == 1>>
??? getArgs() const {
    return mArgs;

Several obvious problems with this:

  1. I'm not certain if std::tuple_size_v<Ts...> will even work.
  2. I don't know what the new return type will be. Perhaps std::tuple_element would be useful here.


  • A different approach: Use sizeof...(T) == 1 to determine whether only a single type is in use. Then use the auto return type and if constexpr to do the rest.

    template<typename... T>
    class Foo {
        Foo(T&&... t)
            : mArgs{std::forward<T>(t)...} {
        auto getArgs() const {
            if constexpr (sizeof...(T) == 1) {
                return std::get<0>(mArgs);
            } else {
                return mArgs;
        std::tuple<T...> mArgs;

    Example usage:

    auto foo_i = Foo{11};
    auto foo_c = Foo{'c'};
    auto foo_ic = Foo{11, 'c'};
    int i2 = foo_i.getArgs();
    char c2 = foo_c.getArgs();
    std::tuple<int, char> ic2 = foo_ic.getArgs();

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