Search code examples

Python-- webscraping for the content in "expand" button with beautifulsoup

I am scraping a yellow page to get the name of all physiotherapists in a city. With the url I get the list of 50 physiotherapists, however, when I expand the page, the url does not change. How do I get the full list of names?

This is how I get the list of physiotherapist in city of Rostock.

url = ''
req = requests.get(url, headers= header)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'html.parser')

names = []

business_name = soup.find_all('h2', attrs ={"data-wipe-name":"Titel"})
for name in business_name:

At the buttom of the url there is a button called Mehr Anzeigen, basically saying "show more". If I click there, the number of entries for physiotherapists changes from 50-60. There are entries for 90 physiotherapists. When I click the button multiple times, showing all the entries, the button disappears. This lists all the physiotherapists in the city, I want to get this.

How do I get all the entries I get after clicking "show more"?


  • There's no need to use Selenium for this simple task. By using Chrome's developer tools, you can observe that the website uses a simple POST request to when pressing the 'Mehr anzeigen' button containing the following data:

    umkreis: -1
    WAS: Physiotherapie praxis
    WO: rostock
    position: 51
    anzahl: 10
    sortierung: relevanz

    The json response contains a html key containing all your search results. Additionally, there are gesamtanzahlTreffer and anzahlTreffer keys inside the response. Unfortunately, it's not possible to get all search results with a single POST request by setting position=0 and anzahl=100. However, the first POST request contains the first 50 results (similar to the website) and by each new POST request we can obtain the next 10 results.

    Long story short, you can parse all the results like this:

    def post_ajax_search(was: str, wo: str, pos: int):
        req ="", data={
            'umkreis': -1, 'WAS': was, 'WO': wo, 'position': pos, 'sortierung': 'relevanz'})
        r = req.json()
        return [r[key] for key in ("gesamtanzahlTreffer", "html", "anzahlTreffer")]
    def parse_html(html: str) -> list[str]:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
        return [i.text for i in soup.find_all("h2", {"data-wipe-name": "Titel"})]
    def parser(was: str, wo: str) -> list[str]:
        total_treffer, html, parsed_treffer = post_ajax_search(was, wo, 0)
        all_items = parse_html(html)
        i = 0
        while parsed_treffer < total_treffer:
            _, html, treffer = post_ajax_search(was, wo, 51 + i)
            all_items += parse_html(html)
            parsed_treffer += treffer
            i += 10
        return all_items
    for praxis in (praxen := parser("Physiotherapie praxis", "rostock")):


    Göllner Sabine Krankengymnastik & Physiotherapie
    Friemel Physiotherapie Inh. B. Neumann Krankengymnastik & Physiotherapie
    Nehrenberg Dorothee Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapiezentrum Marcel Frank
    Silke Thiede Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Kollmorgen
    Buller Olaf Physiotherapie
    Gemeinschaftspraxis Physiotherapie Möller & Norden
    Physiotherapie Annekathrin Hinz
    Physiotherapie Hinz Annekathrin Praxis für Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie K. Schuldt
    Physiotherapie Richter Ralf-Uwe Physiotherapie
    Sport-Physio Rostock, Inh. Tschiersch, Daniel Physiotherapie
    Klimt Dagmar Physiotherapie
    Pause Andrea Physiotherapiepraxis
    Sörgel Steffen
    Doremans Monika Physiotherapie
    Doremans Monika Physiotherapie
    Friemel B. Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Vital Speicher Katja Oestreich
    Jürß Katherina Physiotherapie
    Pietralczyk Regina Physiotherapie
    Stoll Sven Physiotherapie
    Tübbecke Carola Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Reiser u. Behrens
    Physiotherapeutische Praxis Rose
    Arndt K. Physiotherapie
    Arndt K. Physiotherapie
    Hieke Gunnar Praxis für Physiotherapie
    PTB Physiopraxis
    PTB Physiopraxis
    Physiotherapie Rhea Brüdigam
    Duske Sandra
    Achsnig Marion Physiotherapie
    Berthold Physiopraxis
    Bohn Katharina Praxis für Physiotherapie
    Erdmann L. Physiotherapie
    Hennig Heidlinde Physiotherapie
    Klatt Gabriele Physiotherapie
    Physio- & Hydrotherapie Evelyn Ruß-Deuschle
    Physiometik-Physiotherapie und Kosmetik
    PhysioPlus Martin Berthold
    Physiotherapie Elke Wegener
    Physiotherapie Inh. Doreen Bastian
    Therapiewelten Fromm Inh. Andrea Fromm Physiotherapie
    Therapiewelten Fromm Inh. Andrea Fromm Physiotherapie
    Therapiewelten Fromm Inh. Andrea Fromm Physiotherapie
    vital & physio GmbH Portwich, Rene & Kristina
    Neumann Andre Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Heike Braun u.Gisela Wessel-Schutz
    Physiotherapie Monika Laasch
    Physiotherapiepraxis Briese Inke u. Engel Katrin
    Schawaller, Mertens Physiotherapie
    Ahrens Ch. Hoffmann B. Kautz K. Wiechert M. Physiotherapiepraxis
    Lenz Andrea Praxis für Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Birgit Paul
    Physiotherapie Hirsch U.
    Maaß Ingrid Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Birgit Vogt
    Müller Holger Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie A. Fischer-Pifrement
    Physiotherapie Schuberth Simone
    Skupin Anne, Praxis für Physiotherapie und Kinderphysiotherapie
    Stoll Sven Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapiepraxis Lasch
    Physiotherapie Leyer
    Simon Petra Physiotherapie
    Erdmann Petra Physiotherapeutische Praxis
    Doremans-Harms Monika Physiotherapie
    Holz-Gräfe Ulrike Physiotherapie
    Kannenberg u. Swensson Praxisgemeinschaft für Physiotherapie
    Keßler Dirk Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Ahrens Ch., Hoffmann B., Kautz K. u. Wiechert M.
    Physiotherapie Dorit Schumacher Praxis für Physiotherapie
    Physiotherapie Höhnerbach
    Physiotherapie Kerstin Wikert Physiotherapeutin
    Physiotherapie Kollmorgen
    Physiotherapie Neumann
    Physiotherapie Physikalische Therapie Inh. Karin Hellmuth
    Physiotherapiepraxis Angela Keller
    Pöschmann Kathleen Menschen"s"kinder Physiotherapie
    PTB Physiopraxis
    Roberto Kollmorgen
    Rothkirch Physiotherapie Ramona
    Schmidt Josephine Praxis für Physiotherapie
    Stoll Sven Physiotherapie
    Strauß Arne
    Thoms Christiane Physiotherapie