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Make a Python function subscriptable

for the purposes of a completely contrived programming exercise, I want to be able to access all objects that I have created of a specific class, using decorators, and by subscripting the class itself.

In the below example, I have created an instance of my A class, using the argument 1, and stored the result in a dictionary, using the key '1'.

So, by attempting to index the A class directly, it should return the instance of the object that was created, however, it only returns the parameter passed to __get__item, and raises a TypeError if I attempt to index it directly with A['1'].

import types

def remember(cl):
    seen = dict()

    def _remember(*args, **kwargs):
        key = ','.join(map(str, args))
        if key not in seen:
            seen[key] = cl(*args, **kwargs)
        return seen[key]

    _remember.__getitem__ = types.MethodType(seen.get, _remember)
    return _remember

class A(object):
    def __init__(self, x):

a = A(1)
b = A.__getitem__('1')
print(a == b) #should print true, but instead, A.__get__item returns '1'. Ideally, A['1'] would work.


  • Here's what I came up with.

    We can't have A[<something>] as possible usage because that would mean changing the attributes of type. I've created A.get(<something>) instead for that use case.

    This differs from your attempt in that rather than returning a function from the decorator, we return a new class that extends from the original. That class stores all instances of instantiations of its parent class, and indexes them by a key which is created from the args and kwargs.

    The __getitem__ has been overridden on the class, and then in the parent class, and it takes any of:

    • A tuple of args (tuple) and kwargs (dict)
    • Args as a tuple
    • A single arg

    Anyway, on with the code:

    from typing import Any, Dict
    def remember(klass):
        def get_key(args, kwargs):
            return hash((args, tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))))
        class RememberedClass(klass):
            _instances: Dict[int, Any] = {}
            def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
                c = klass(*args, **kwargs)
                klass.__getitem__ = cls.__getitem__
                key = get_key(args, kwargs)
                cls._instances[key] = c
                return c
            def get(*args, **kwargs) -> klass:
                key = get_key(args, kwargs)
                return RememberedClass._instances[key]
            def __getitem__(self, item) -> klass:
                if isinstance(item, tuple) and len(item) == 2:
                    # (args, kwargs)
                    args, kwargs = item
                    key = get_key(args, kwargs)
                elif isinstance(item, tuple):
                    # (arg, arg, ...)
                    key = get_key(item, {})
                    # arg
                    key = get_key((item,), {})
                return RememberedClass._instances.get(key)
        return RememberedClass
    class Foo:
        def __init__(self, val):

    I believe this is what you wanted?

    >>> f = Foo(1)
    >>> g = Foo(2)
    >>> f is g
    >>> f is f[1]
    >>> g is g[2]
    >>> g is f[2]
    >>> f is Foo.get(1)
    >>> type(f)
    >>> Foo