I have a bash script that copies over files from local to remote server using scp. Once all of the transfer is done, I run chmod command over the ssh to open up all of the permission. The problem is that it intermittently works and does NOT chmod 777 properly all the time. Any way I can verify that chmod command executed definitely (maybe using return code or something)? I do have my ssh keys setup so I do NOT need to enter password upon doing ssh or scp. Below is the snippet of my code
#copy over the files from local machine to remote server
scp file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
#open up the permissions on the remote server
ssh -qX chmod -R 777 /home/user1/fileDir
You could try:
ssh server "chmod 755 file |echo $?"
which would return 0
The |echo $?
is checking the return code for the command ran.