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Edge browser Native File System removeEntry use

I'm working with the newest version of Edge (Canary release 86.0.615.0) and I can get the new Native File System API showOpenFilePicker to let me access files but I can't find a reference to the directoryHandle functions including the removeEntry function if the user elects to remove the file. Am I missing a special flag? I have an Origin-Tracker code and I also have the experimental flag set for the Native File System API.


  • If you have a directory handle, you can delete files or folders as in the example below:

    // Delete a file.
    await directoryHandle.removeEntry('Abandoned Projects.txt');
    // Recursively delete a folder.
    await directoryHandle.removeEntry('Old Stuff', { recursive: true });

    You can obtain a directory handle from the picker:

    const directoryHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker();

    To iterate over the entries of a directory, you can use the code snippet below:

    for await (const entry of directoryHandle.values()) {