I have this vertical flip animation for my card with a front and back face
animations: [
trigger('cardFlick', [
state('0', style({
transform: 'none'
state('1', style({
transform: 'rotateX(-180deg)'
transition('0 => 1', [
transition('1 => 0', [
But I want to do is animate a card flick. By that I mean that the card wont do a full flip but rather a half flip, change the content on the card, then flip back showing the back face. Of course this will mean that my card will only have one face where I switch between the content. How would I go about doing this?
With my previous attempts the problem is always the ngIf ruining the animation by being too fast. How can I delay ngIf or play the first animation state first then let ngIf switch the content before flipping back?
You can use the animation event done to run some code when the animation has finished by binding (@cardFlick.done)
For exemple :
<div [@cardFlick]="flicked ? '1' : '0'" (@cardFlick.done)="showFront =!showFront">
<p *ngIf="showFront">front</p>
<p *ngIf="!showFront">back</p>