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Microsoft Edge Chromium and an App-V'ed plugin

I'm experiencing the combination of a locally installed Microsoft Edge Chromium Enterprise Edition and Microsoft App-V. I try to App-V a browser plugin for a locally installed Microsoft Edge Chrome Enterprise.

I have an App-V bubble and Internet Explorer is started with this bubble in the background using the /appvve command-line option.

My first suggestion was:
Replace the file path to iexplore.exe to the new file path of msedge.exe, eg.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --site-per-process -url /appvve:[App-V PackageID]_[App-V PackageVersionID]

This works only when MS Edge has no running instances already. The --site-per-process option should help isolate the process of Edge Chromium.

When Microsoft Edge is already opened, there is some magic: the bubble is active for some seconds and after that the App-V bubble is closed.

ProcessExplorer of SysInternals does a great work: it tells me a secondary process of Edge Chromium is started with the bubble on the background.
Then the subprocesses of the secundary started instance are brought to the primaraly started instance and when this all is done, the secondary started instance - including the App-V bubble - is closed.
The webpage is opened, but the connection to the App-V bubble is lost.
The same happens when MS Edge-with-app-v is running bubble-a and you want start a secondary instance with bubble-b.

Could anyone tell me how to tell MS Edge to really isolate its processes and how it could work with multiple loaded App-V bubbles?


  • The only way I have successfully got around this is with the --no-sandbox, --app, and --user-data-dir switches.

    For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --no-sandbox --user-data-dir"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\AppV --app="" /appvve:[App-V PackageID]_[App-V PackageVersionID]

    This opens up the page in an App window and uses its own directory so the process isn't merged with existing or new instances of Edge that launch in the default directory.

    I found this kept crashing until --no-sandbox was introduced. however, I'm a little on edge as the Sandbox helps keeps this secure. I'm also wondering how the Sandbox is interfering with App-V.

    This is a workaround, but I do think MS will need to investigate this further as clearly the --site-per-process isn't separating each tab, at least not how we would expect.