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How can I set a limit to the tweets I want to download?

I downloaded the tweets I want but my code is running infinity. The Google Collab environment said that I cannot interrupt the code. How can I stop the code from running without canceling it? Here is my code: (ragkousis is a greek politician)

while len(ragkousis) != 0:
  ragkousis = twitter.get_user_timeline(screen_name= 'gragkousis',  count=100, tweet_mode = 'extended', exclude_replies = 'true', exclude_retweets = 'true')
    print("Error getting tweets:")
if len(ragkousis) > 0:
    print("I Got:", len(ragkousis), " tweets more... Last ID:", ragkousis[len(ragkousis)-1]['id']-1)
for tweet in ragkousis and voridis:

print(len(tweetsL), 'tweets')


  • If you want to set limit based on length of the list tweetL, simply add the following inside the while loop:

    if len(tweetL) > 1000:

    You can replace the value 1000 with the limit of your choice.