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I want to deploy the DB, API, and FRONT containers in the above repository to AWS ECS so that they can be operated I want to deploy the DB, API, and FRONT containers in the above repository to AWS ECS so that they can be operated.

Therefore, in order to operate the containers separately, the docker-compose.yaml file was divided into containers.

I pushed the container to ECR and operated it with ECS, but it stopped by all means. Where should I review it?


  • I spent some time on this. Where do I start :)

    First and foremost the compose file has bind mounts that can't work when you deploy to ECS/Fargate (because the local files mounted do not exist on the remote end). So these are the 3 things that needs to be done:

    • you need to remove the bind mounts for the rest_api and the web_front services.
    • you need to append ADD ./code/django_rest_api/ /code in DockerfilePython and append ADD ./code/django_web_front/ /code in DockerfileNode. This will basically simulate the bind mount and will include the content of the folder right in the image(s).
    • you need to add the image field to the three services. That will allow you to docker compose build and docker compose push` so that the images are available to be deployed in the cloud.

    This is my resulting compose file (you need to change your images repos):

    version: "3"
        container_name: django_db
        image: mreferre/django_db:latest
          context: .
          dockerfile: DockerfilePostgres
          - django_data_volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        container_name: django_rest_api
        image: mreferre/django_rest_api:latest
          context: .
          dockerfile: DockerfilePython
        command: ./
    #    volumes:
    #      - ./code/django_rest_api:/code
        tty: true
          - 8000:8000
          - db
        container_name: django_web_front
        image: mreferre/django_web_front:latest  
          context: .
          dockerfile: DockerfileNode
        command: ./
    #    volumes:
    #      - ./code/django_web_front:/code
        tty: true
          - 3000:3000
          - rest_api

    This will deploy just fine with docker compose up in the ECS context and the API server will work. HOWEVER, the React front end will not work because the App.js code points to localhost:

    const constants = {
      "url": "http://localhost:8000/api/profile/?format=json"

    I don't know what the React equivalent is but in Angular you need to point to something along the lines of window.location.href to tell the app to point to the same endpoint your browser connected to.

    If you fix this problem then it should just work(tm).