I have Labels inside a Canvas, I need to get the label that intersects with coordinates X,Y?
Canvas.GetLeft(element), Canvas.GetTop(element) will get you any element's position. Use ActualWidth and ActualHeight to form its complete rectangle. You can iterate through the Children of the Canvas with a foreach.
Edit: CodeNaked pointed out that elements might be set with SetRight or SetBottom so I modified the sample code:
foreach (FrameworkElement nextElement in myCanvas.Children)
double left = Canvas.GetLeft(nextElement);
double top = Canvas.GetTop(nextElement);
double right = Canvas.GetRight(nextElement);
double bottom = Canvas.GetBottom(nextElement);
if (double.IsNaN(left))
if (double.IsNaN(right) == false)
left = right - nextElement.ActualWidth;
if (double.IsNaN(top))
if (double.IsNaN(bottom) == false)
top = bottom - nextElement.ActualHeight;
Rect eleRect = new Rect(left, top, nextElement.ActualWidth, nextElement.ActualHeight);
if (myXY.X >= eleRect.X && myXY.Y >= eleRect.Y && myXY.X <= eleRect.Right && myXY.Y <= eleRect.Bottom)
// Add to intersects list