I am creating a templates application where users can write any HTML/CSS code inside a textarea (E.G. a full html page pasted on a textarea). These users are mostly familiar with html and css so we have not yet implemented markdown. One important feature that we would like to add is the ability to preview the html in the textarea before submition. I have thought of ways that these can be done, but I am not sure which would be correct and most maintainable.
Can anyone help me? Which of these potential solutions are best? Or is there a better solution?
I would use an iframe. It can run a new body and html inside of it. So if someone for example styled the body in it, it wouldn't effect the page its on. Here I wrote the code for you. Give it a shot, do some html coding in the text area and click "run"
<p>type some HTML/CSS code in here:</p>
<textarea type="text" rows="15" cols="40"id="myText"></textarea>
<p>Your HTML output</p>
<iframe id="output" srcdoc="">
<p>Click the button to preview your code</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">run</button>
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("myText").value;
document.getElementById("output").srcdoc = "<!doctype html> <html>" + x + "</html>";