Basically what I'm trying to do is create filters on front end, so that users can filter all posts by specific ACF field.
There's a cattery website and the owner will need to add new litters, when new generations of kittens arrive. I've created option page for this new field group and created a repeater field with text, so that I can add new rows with names of the litters, I want to filter by later.
I've included basic loop for repeater field:
<select name="litter" id="litter">
if( have_rows('cat-litters', 'option') ):
while ( have_rows('cat-litters', 'option') ) : the_row(); ?>
<option value="<?php the_sub_field('new-litter', 'option'); ?>"><?php the_sub_field('new-litter', 'option'); ?></option>
<?php endwhile;
else :
I will be adding a field to cats' posts named cat-litter, so that I can find specific posts with a litter "02" for example.
But now I'm stuck with using this select from front-end to run a query to display fitting posts. I'm working in index.php of twentytwentyone child-theme btw.
It doesn't matter if it will need to reload page or not (however if the ajax way won't be complicated I would very much appreciate that) but I have to point out that it needs to work with pagination and I already have it set up with pre_get_posts to display 9 posts per page (3x3 grid).
Taken and modified from the Dynamic $_GET parameters
section of this page per the ACF documentation:
function my_pre_get_posts( $query ) {
// do not modify queries in the admin
if( is_admin() ) {
return $query;
// only modify queries for 'cat' post type
if( isset($query->query_vars['post_type']) && $query->query_vars['post_type'] == 'cat' ) {
// allow the url to alter the query
if( isset($_GET['cat-litter']) ) {
$query->set('meta_key', 'cat-litter');
$query->set('meta_value', $_GET['cat-litter']);
// return
return $query;
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'my_pre_get_posts');
Then on the front end for reloading the page with the 'cat-litter' from the dropdown could be done with jQuery:
$('select#litter').on('change', function() {
window.location.href = "" + $(this).val();