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Longest sequence that holds a property in Dafny

In Dafny I am trying to make a Max polymorphic and high-order function that, given a sequence and a predicate, returns the longest subsequence that holds it. For instance, the longest increasing subsequence, or the longest subsequence in which all the elements are zero.

To do so, I designed a slow algorithm (given the P predicate and a S sequence):

   1. Start an i pivot in the left and a j pivot in the same place.
   2. Start the max_sequence = [] and the max_sequence_length = 0.
   3. While i<S.length:
        counter = 0 
        j = i
        While max_sequence[i..j] satisfies P and j<S.length:
          If counter > max_sequence_length:
             max_sequence_length = counter
             max_sequence = max_sequence[i..j]
          Increment j
        Increment i
   4. Return max_sequence

You can see it implemented:

method maxPropertySequence<T>(P: seq<T> -> bool, sequ: seq<T>) returns (max_seq: seq<T>)

    var i := 0;
    var j := 0;
    var longest := 0;
    var the_sgmt := sequ;
    var fresh_segmnt := sequ;
    var counter := longest;
    while i<(|sequ|) 
      decreases |sequ|-i
      j := i;
      counter := 0;
      fresh_segmnt := [sequ[i]];
      if P(fresh_segmnt) 
          j := j+1;
          if counter>longest {
            the_sgmt := fresh_segmnt;
          while P(fresh_segmnt) && j<|sequ|
            decreases |sequ|-j
            fresh_segmnt := fresh_segmnt + [sequ[j]];
            j := j+1;
            if counter>longest {
              the_sgmt := fresh_segmnt;
      i := i+1;
    return the_sgmt;

My question is: how can I verify that the Max function behaves as I expect? More concretely: which are the ensures I have to add?

I have thought something like: forall the subsequences of the original sequence, there is no subsequence that holds P and is longer than the_sgmt. But I do not know how to express it efficiently.



  • I wrote code for finding the (leftmost) longest subsequence of zeros from a given integer array. Since you can map sequ using the predicate, these two are almost identical problems.

    // For a given integer array, let's find the longest subesquence of 0s.
    // sz: size, pos: position.   a[pos..(pos+sz)] will be all zeros
    method longestZero(a: array<int>) returns (sz:int, pos:int)   
        requires 1 <= a.Length
        ensures 0 <= sz <= a.Length
        ensures 0 <= pos < a.Length
        ensures pos + sz <= a.Length
        ensures forall i:int  :: pos <= i < pos + sz ==> a[i] == 0
        ensures forall i,j :: (0 <= i < j < a.Length && getSize(i, j) > sz) ==> exists k :: i <= k <= j && a[k] != 0
        var b := new int[a.Length];   // if b[i] == n, then a[i], a[i-1], ... a[i-n+1] will be all zeros and (i-n ==0 or a[i-n] !=0)
        if a[0] == 0
            {b[0] := 1;}
            {b[0] := 0;}
        var idx:int := 0;
        while idx < a.Length - 1    // idx <- 0 to a.Length - 2
            invariant 0 <= idx <= a.Length - 1
            invariant forall i:int :: 0 <= i <= idx ==>  0 <= b[i] <= a.Length
            invariant forall i:int :: 0 <= i <= idx ==> -1 <= i - b[i]
            invariant forall i:int :: 0 <= i <= idx ==> (forall j:int :: i-b[i] < j <= i ==> a[j] == 0) 
            invariant forall i:int :: 0 <= i <= idx ==> ( 0 <= i - b[i] ==> a[i - b[i]] != 0 )
            if a[idx + 1] == 0
                { b[idx + 1] := b[idx] + 1; }
                { b[idx + 1] := 0;}
            idx := idx + 1;
        idx := 1;
        sz := b[0];
        pos := 0;
        // Let's find maximum of array b. That is the desired sz.
        while idx < a.Length
            invariant 1 <= idx <= b.Length
            invariant 0 <= sz <= a.Length
            invariant 0 <= pos < a.Length
            invariant pos + sz <= a.Length
            invariant forall i:int :: 0 <= i < idx  ==> b[i] <= sz
            invariant forall i:int  :: pos <= i < pos + sz ==> a[i] == 0
            invariant forall i, j:int  :: (0 <= i < j < idx && getSize(i,j) > sz) ==>  a[j-b[j]] != 0
            // find max
            if b[idx] > sz 
                sz := b[idx]; 
                pos := idx - b[idx] + 1;
            idx := idx + 1;
    function getSize(i: int, j:int) : int
        j - i + 1    

    Since I am new to dafny, any comments on style or anything are appreciated.