1.pip install virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper-win
2.mkvirtualenv newhouse
Then I want to go to the newhouse
3.workon newhouse
It not work. I search for the solution and somehow I find a command and type it in the terminal and it works
PS C:\Users\huawei> & C:/Users/huawei/Envs/newhouse/Scripts/Activate.ps1
(newhouse) PS C:\Users\huawei>
Why is that? Why does the command workon newhouse
not work?
You are using it in powershell terminal in vscode try to create command prompt terminal
in vscode and then you can able to use **workon newhouse**
Since workon
is a batch script.
Try to run workon
in cmd.
If you want to run it on powershell then i would recommend this stackoverflow question