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Watch Vue 3 global variable for changes

I set a provider in my main.ts file:


And then inject it in a component Home.vue:

inject: ['currentPage'],

I then can update it and show it in that component without a problem using {{ currentPage }}.

But I want another component DeepNestedComponent.vue to be able to edit it, and Home.vue to be aware of the change.

When I inject the same provider in DeepNestedComponent.vue, I can edit and display in the component, but Home.vue is not aware of the change and {{ currentPage }} still display 'test1'.

How can I do that?


  • This pattern is designed only to pass some property from grandparent component to grandchild one, your case needs a shareable state based on Vuex or a composable function, let's build a solution based on the second approach :

    define the composable function :


    import {  ref } from "vue";
    const currentPage=ref('test')
    export default function usePagination(){
      function setCurrentPage(val:string){
    return {currentPage, setCurrentPage}


    import usePagination from './usePagination'
      const { setCurrentPage} =usePagination();
      // then use setCurrentPage to update the page

    Home.vue :

    import usePagination from './usePagination'
      const { currentPage} =usePagination();
      // now you could receive the changes made in the other component.
      return {
           currentPage // expose it to the template 