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how to put network path for local maven repository \\user023\share\folder

We have local network with bunch of users connected together. And we can access shared files like \\user023\share\folder\test.txt. How can i use this address to make local maven repository or how can i use maven { url 'path to network address'} ?


  • Quite simply:

    maven { url 'file:///[Path-to-Repo]'}

    For example:
    If you repo were located at '\\Sever\Developer Repos\m2':

    The Maven reference in the repository section of your build.gradle would look like:

    maven { url 'file:///Sever/Developer%2520Repos/m2'}

    A few caveats:

    • It is advised to do what other suggest and setup a 'real' repository. if that is not possible, then enter into the rest of this at your own risk.
    • Use the '/' character in your paths.
    • Spaces in filenames need to be designated with their unicode escaped equivalency.
    • The m2 repo needs to be an actual Maven repo with the appropriate file structure,.pom files etc.
    • Never WRITE to a repo like this with a build script when there are multiple users utilizing this repo. This will most certainly cause corruption for at least a portion of the repo. In fact, I would lock the file structure as read-only if possible to prevent this from happening and force manual updates to the repo as necessary.
    • This information is for gradle 6.3 with the Android 3.6.3 gradle build tools. This has broke in the past and so be sure to use a gradle wrapper with your project to ensure build compatibility as you move forward.