The application works fine when serving locally...
I am trying to incorporate it into a web content management system, this requires a bit of compiling and prep to import files into it. I have used gulp to turn the TS into JS, the SCSS into CSS and minified etc. And these files are then imported separately into specific areas of the WCMS. I also have to use CDN's for the Angular framework etc for example
I am getting multiple errors in the console...
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'operators' of undefined at core.umd.min.js:6
When I view the file in source, it highlights this: rxjs.operators)}(this,(function(t,e,n,r,o){"use strict";
Uncaught TypeError: t.InjectionToken is not a constructor at common.umd.min.js:35
When I view the file in source, it highlights a line beginning with: var c,l=new t.InjectionToken("DocumentToken");function
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'operators' of undefined at common-http.umd.min.js:6
When I view the file in source, it highlights this: rxjs.operators,}(this,(function(e,t,r,n,o){"use strict";
Uncaught TypeError: Object prototype may only be an Object or null: undefined at setPrototypeOf () at n (platform-browser.umd.min.js:20)
When I view the file in source, it highlights part way through a line, with the error starting at: (t,e)};function o(t,e){function r(){this.constructor=t}
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Identifiers' of undefined at c (platform-browser-dynamic.umd.min.js:28)
It highlights from Identifiers to the end of the line (not pasted the whole line): var p=function c(){var e=new Map;return e.set(t.Identifiers.ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS
There are a few more but this is a good example (I think) of what I am up against. I just don't understand why I am getting these, what I could have done wrong to cause this. And I also assume this is why interpolation is not working as well (I am just seeing {{name}} for example).
If there is any further info that could be useful to help solve this please let me know.
Thank you.
Referencing the rxjs cdn first resolved all but the platform-browser-dynamic error, which was resolved by adding the cdn for the angular compiler