I have recently had reason to generate Java classes from a WSDL.
I am using Java 15 on Mac, Maven 3.6.3 and JAX-WS 2.3.1.
I get the error
-Xbootclasspath/p is no longer a supported option.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
When trying to generate my sources. What would cause this? and how do I fix it?
Additional info:
My dependencies
My JAX-WS plugin is defined/configured as
It can find my WSDL file. Maven says
[INFO] Processing: file:/Users/user/Development/projects/example/src/main/wsdl/my-wsdl.wsdl
in the logs, before the error.
was deprecated and replaced in Java 11.
The plugin has been updated to a new version that works with later versions of Java.
will work