Whenever I make an index.html file and write Anything inside it then open it in browser, I see a Favicon that I have never seen before. I want to know why is that Favicon showing and is there any way to stop it?, I didn't even add a html tag for a Favicon but It's still showing.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>This is a title</title>
First of all try to be sure that your project do not have favicon. Try to open www.[mysite].com/favicon.ico. If there is none pass to step two.
Wrong favicon could be taken automatically from your browsers cache. Try to hard reload your page (for mac it is shift+cmnd+r)
If favicon still shows and you do not want to show any favicon just pass empty href for it inside your header tag
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:image/x-icon;," type="image/x-icon">