Hi I am using a small python program to search for all the tag from an xml. after accessing the tag i want to access all the src attribute. How can i do this in python. the following is my xml definition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<smil systemRequired="pss6"
<meta id="meta-smil1.0-a" name="Publisher" content="OMA"/>
<root-layout width="100%" height="100%"/>
<region id="UP" top="0%" left="0%" height="50%" width="100%" fit="meet" backgroundColor="white"/>
<region id="DOWN" top="50%" left="0%" height="50%" width="100%" fit="meet" backgroundColor="white"/>
<region id="FULL" top="0%" left="0%" height="100%" width="100%" fit="meet" backgroundColor="white"/>
<par index="0" dur="10" size="3326">
<img src="f5d226a7-487f-4038-8051-d9382acde16f" region="DOWN" fill="freeze" size="3310"/>
<text src="tess" region="UP" size="16"/>
<par index="1" dur="10" size="19534">
<img src="7556e55d-52c7-4807-9034-d6abee06ce67" region="DOWN" fill="freeze" size="2796"/>
<text src="bigno" region="UP" size="20"/>
<audio src="84620751-25db-4db9-b361-43a3dfd70f21" size="16718"/>
the following is my python program.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def parse():
tree = ET.parse('smil.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for img in root.findall('./body/par/img'):
if __name__ == '__main__':
what i want is to retreive all the img tags, then retrieves the src attribute and store the attribute values in a list .
so the output i expect is a list = [f5d226a7-487f-4038-8051-d9382acde16f,7556e55d-52c7-4807-9034-d6abee06ce67 ] because in the xml we have two tags .
How can i achieve it ? thank you
You have to specify the namespace of the element in your path.
def parse():
tree = ET.parse('smil.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
ns = {"x": "http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/Language"}
for img in root.findall('.//x:img', namespaces=ns):
However if you are familiar with XPath, I would suggest looking into lxml for parsing XML and HTML.