I want to know if there is a way to group this report. This is my report.
This report is grouped by two columns "Merchant" and "ConfirmationID" and ordered by the columns "date" and "time". As you can see the Merchant is repeated twice because of the groupings. I want to know if there a way to group this column "Merchant" to show in this way:
I tried to add one more parent group with the column merchant but the output is different that I want because it groups all together and don't respect the sort of the columns time and date. This is the result if I add a parent group with the column Merchant:
If anyone can help me I would appreciate too much.
Initially group on confirmation id (1st group) and then on merchant (2nd group).
Create two rows for your merchant group.
On the first row put the merchant field and on the second the column headers.
You need to hide these two rows when merchant value doesn't change.
In order to do this set the row visibility expression to =(Fields!merchant.Value = Previous(First(Fields!merchant.Value,"merchant")))
Order your detail by date and time.
UPDATE for totals
Create only one group
Add the following custom code to your report
Dim current_merchant
Dim current_confirmation
Public Function CustomGroup( merchant As String, confirmation As Integer) As String
If current_merchant <> merchant Then
current_merchant = merchant
current_confirmation = confirmation
End If
Return current_merchant & " " & Cstr(current_confirmation)
End Function
For your group set the expression to =Code.CustomGroup(Fields!merchant.Value, Fields!confirmation_id.Value)
Set the detail sorting on confirmation_id, date, time You don't need any visibility expressions