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How to convert lower case to upper case and vice versa without using subtraction or addition in emu8086

In assembly, lower case to upper case or upper case to lower case conversion is easy. if input is lower case then adding 32d will give the upper case letter Or if input is upper case, then subtracting 32d will give lower case letter. But I want to do this conversion without using subtraction or addition.


  • This is an interesting observation that if you look into ascii a~z's binary value, you'll see that all of them have the 6th bit set to 1. and all ascii A~Z's 6th bit is set to 0. And remaing all bits are same. Check it out:

    a = 01100001          z = 01111010
    A = 01000001          Z = 01011010
          ^                     ^

    Now, 6th bit binary value is 32 (00100000) . So, if we can do xor operation with lower case or upper case letter then it will convert. Easy thing to remember: 32d is related to upper to lower Or lower to upper. Here is the demo code:

    ; Here at first, @ indicating start of label and $ indicating start of procedure.
    ; If multiple label and procedure is present in assembly code. 
    ; Then distinguishing label & procedure can be done easily. 
    ; It's just my own way of coding. You may ignore this style.  
    .model small           ; declaring this code will be consists of one data segment and one code segment
    .stack 100h            ; stack is initializeed to offset address at 100h    
    .data                  ; starting of Data segment
    n_line           db    0ah,0dh,"$"                        ; for new line 
    input_msg        db    "Input",20h,": $"                  ; 20h = 32d = ascii 'space'
    output_msg       db    0ah,0dh,"Output: $"
    stop_msg         db    "Press 'esc' to Stop this Programme.",0ah,0dh,"$"   
    end_msg          db    0ah,0dh,"Proramme Terminated. $"
    warning_msg      db    0ah,0dh,"Input is not a letter. Try agian.",0ah,0dh,"$"
    .code                  ; starting of Code segment
    main proc
        mov ax,@data       ; copying starting address of data segment into ax register
        mov ds,ax          ; by copying ax into ds we are initializing data segment 
        lea dx,stop_msg
        mov ah,9
        int 21h 
        mov cx,0
        lea dx,input_msg
        mov ah,9
        int 21h 
        mov ah,1           ; taking single input charachter
        int 21h        
        cmp al,27d         ; cheking if it input is 'esc' or not
        je @terminate   
        call $check_constraints    ; procedure calling
        cmp cx,1           ; cheking flag value
        je @input
        xor bx,bx          ; XOR with self will always retun of all zero bit (means clearing a register)
        mov bl,al
        xor bl,32d         ; Here is the bit trick     
        lea dx,output_msg
        mov ah,9
        int 21h 
        mov dl,bl          ; output char was stored in bl
        mov ah,2
        int 21h
        lea dx,n_line      ; new line for next input
        mov ah,9
        int 21h 
        jmp @input
        lea dx,end_msg  
        mov ah,9
        int 21h
        mov ah,4ch         ; terminate program 
        int 21h            
    main endp              ; ending of main procedure  
    $check_constraints proc   
      ; if( (input<= 122d && input <= 97d) || (input<=90d && input <= 65d)) Then Proceed; otherwise Warning;
            cmp al,122d    ; or cmp al,'z'     
            jg @warning  
            cmp al,97d     ; or cmp al,'a'
            jge @setFlag
            cmp al,90d     ; or cmp al,'Z'
            jg @warning
            cmp al,65d     ; or cmp al,'A'
            jl @warning
            mov cx,0       ; i'm considering cx register as a flag       
            jmp @end_function 
            mov cx,1       ; i'm considering cx register as a flag 
            lea dx,warning_msg 
            mov ah,9
            int 21h  
    $check_constraints endp
    end main               ; ending of code segment