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How can I display horizontal and vertical dividers between items in the LazyVerticalGrid?

How can I display vertical and horizontal dividers between items in the LazyVerticalGrid?

For LazyColumn it is possible to do it this way:

LazyColumn(...) {
    items(items) { item ->

and it will also work for LazyVerticalGrid but I'm unsure how to display vertical dividers between items?


  • You can add a 2 different Dividers in each cell.

    Something like:

    val numbers = (0..20).toList()
    LazyVerticalGrid(cells = GridCells.Fixed(4)){
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index, item ->
            Row(Modifier.height(IntrinsicSize.Min)) {
                Column(Modifier.weight(1f),horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
                    Text(text = "Number")
                    Text(text = "  $item",)
                    Divider() //Horizontal divider 
                //Vertical divider avoiding the last cell in each row
                if ((index+1)%4 != 0) {
                    Column() {
                            color = Color.Red,
                            modifier = Modifier

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