in a wagtail project, I need all image and document file URLs to be "private", e.g. to respect the "privacy setting" of the collection that file/instance belongs to. Further, these URLs must be private even if the URL is known/guessable.
For wagtail documents, I've found:
which works.
I've expected a similar setup/reference for wagtail images, but got:
I did not manage to successfully implement this image_serve_view-sendfile-configuration.
Anyone knows a way to serve wagtail images the same way as wagtail documents (via the simple setting WAGTAILDOCS_SERVE_METHOD
I'm OK with the StreamingResponse in case django-sendfile
is not installed. I just want my wagtail documents AND images to respect the privacy level defined via the collections privacy setting (e.g. "Private, only accessible for logged-in users").
But even with a more elegant and performant solution via django-sendfile (or a more up-to-date and maintained fork like django-sendfile2) I'm missing documentation which details the steps to implement this setup for wagtail documents and wagtail images.
Enforcing privacy for images is not as simple as documents for the reasons described in this issue:
That issue has been referenced more recently, so i believe is still the case. It is marked as 'someday' (valid but lower priority).
This is not a full answer, but hopefully helps articulate the problem.