I need bind states between two components (a navbar an a map). Both components are receiving data from index state via props.
How can I update index state in navbar component in order to update map component?
In index.ts init
this.state: { routes: {geojson_routes}, loadaded: false }
In navbar.tsx
const [routes, setRoutes] = React.useState(props.routes)
const [loaded, setLoaled] = React.useState(props.loaded)
const showRoute= () => {
In map.tsx
if(props.loaded == true) show = geojason(props)
I guess what I need is when showRoute is call from navbar, update loaded value from index.ts... But I don't know how ¬¬'
You can pass a function that sets the loaded
state to true to the Navbar component as a prop. Then, when you want to set loaded
to true, call the function from the navbar component.