in my DashboarController I add a link to one of my routes in the configureMenuItems()
function like this: yield MenuItem::linktoRoute('Title', 'icon', 'my_index', ['key' => 'value']);
In my Controller I trie to access the parameter as usual like this:
* @Route("/my", name="my_")
class OneController extends AbstractController
* @Route("/{key}", name="index")
public function index(string $key): Response
return $this->render('my_index/index.html.twig', [
'controller_name' => 'OneController',
'key' => 'someKey'
But I get the error No route found for GET /my
. Without using the parameter {key}
I can call the page.
Can somebody help me how to access the parameter array of linktoRoute()
Thanks in advance!
The solution is: bin/console cache:clear
followed by bin/console cache:warmup
then you can find the parameters as GET-Parameters...
The solution is: bin/console cache:clear followed by bin/console cache:warmup then you can find the parameters as GET-Parameters...