I don't find any option to set the VM generation, by default its 1 but i need to change it to 2.
Azure portal create disk
Disk managedDisk = azure.disks().define("myosdisk") .withRegion(Region.US_EAST2) .withExistingResourceGroup("test") .withWindowsFromVhd ("https://abcd.blob.core.windows.net/vm/‘laptop_vm’.vhd") .withSizeInGB(500).withSku(DiskSkuTypes.PREMIUM_LRS).create();
You can use hyperVGeneration
set function. The hypervisor generation of the Virtual Machine. Applicable to OS disks only. Possible values include: 'V1', 'V2'
Possible call withHyperVGeneration('V2');
Checkout azure-sdk-java implementation for details.
You need to import mgmt.compute
libraries. It can be found in below maven artifact.
You can call disk creation as below
List<String> diskNames = Arrays.asList("myosdisk", "myosdisk2");
List<Creatable<Disk>> creatableDisks = diskNames.stream()
.map(diskName -> azure.disks()
.withWindowsFromVhd ("https://abcd.blob.core.windows.net/vm/‘laptop_vm’.vhd")
Collection<Disk> disks = azure.disks().create(creatableDisks).values();
More information can be found in Github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java repository.