Scenario: As an Administrator I need to invalidate a user's session (log them out) after I update the user's password. This is in accordance with best practices as per
I am using Devise and I saw here there is a config to log the user out: config.sign_in_after_reset_password = false
However, I have enabled this config in my devise.rb
but the user remains logged in. Not sure why that is?
I am also using Redis as the session_store
Example::Application.config.session_store :cache_store,
key: '_example_session',
secure: true
Is it feasible to delete the particular user's session store from Redis upon Password reset by the Administrator? And if so how could I find their particular session key within Redis?
the flag sign_in_after_reset_password
does not relate to logout
user at all, sign_in_after_reset_password = false
imply that in case a user update his account password by himself then do not automatically sign-in his account again, and that logic happen only on PasswordsController#update.
So you as admin try to change password of another user in a custom controller, of course it's not logout user no matter the value of sign_in_after_reset_password
use gem warden
to logout
user (in other word: destroy user session) and warden
base on request session
not base on database
, that mean there's no way an admin can get another user's session to reset, so you can not force logout another user by only devise
, you need to handle this feature outside devise (such as add session
to user
table or a devise hook something like timeoutable)