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How can I code a simple_form_for block with nested resources?

I've struggled with the Rails path, so this is what I have right now. For some reason, it works fine for the edit action, but not for the new action.


  resources :distributors do
    resources :user_distributors, as: :users
    resources :distributor_brands, as: :brands

Form declaration:

= simple_form_for @user_distributor, url: distributor_user_path(@distributor, @user_distributor), wrapper: :vertical_input_group do |f|

This link brings up the form for the edit action:

edit_distributor_user_path(@distributor, user_distributor))

However, this link for the does NOT bring up the correct route for the new action:


Instead, the form declaration fails with this error:

No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"user_distributors",

It's because the @user_distributorvariable has no id value, so that's why it's trying to route to the show action.

How can I code that declaration so that the form works for both new and edit actions?

I have temporarily worked around this by setting the url in the actions, and that does work, but it feels like I'm missing an automatic feature here.


  • This problem occurs when you try to rename your routes as I did above. When I went back to the ugly route names, everything worked as it was supposed to with the default format:

    = simple_form_for [@distributor, @user_distributor]