I have gone through this article. however, it is quite old but I have a a simple question. will Magento 2 support this terraform?
but as per dev doc https://devdocs.magento.com/cloud/bk-cloud.html
how we can alternate this elastic search of Magento with terraform template of oci ?
I tried to install in AWS ec2 with RDS and a sparate node with AWS elasticsearch while i issued :
curl "url of elasticsearch"
it returned perfect output but
bin/magento install command did not accept remote elasticsearch. so how we can do it in the OCI.
ES: 7.6.0 Magento 2.4.4 php 7.4 ubuntu 20.4 or oracle autonomous linux. ES we want to keep with GCP as well.
magento link :
thanks sayantan
the latest community installation with composer param the param --elasticsearch-host can not detect the deployed elasticsearch if host is not locahost.
Can you be more explicit ? You can customize the Terraform deployment to deploy ES. Magento2 does not support Elasticsearch 2.x, 5.x, and 6.x but this Terraform deploy ES 7.0 and you can still customize it.