I have a Blazor server side single page application. Within one of its components, I have a simple bootstrap 4 collapsible panel:
<a href="#demo" data-toggle="collapse">Collapsible</a>
<div id="demo" class="collapse">
Lorem ipsum dolor text....
When the user clicks the link, instead of collapsing (or opening) the panel, the whole app is refreshed, as the url from https://localhost:44333/mycurrentcomponent becomes https://localhost:44333/#demo.
How can I make the collapsible panel work properly?
I'd just skip the Bootstrap mechanics, which presumably include Javascript which is not set up for use in Blazor.
It's trivial to do this kind of thing in Blazor:
<a @onclick="()=> IsCollapsed = !IsCollapsed" style="text-decoration:underline;color:navy;cursor:pointer">Collapsible</a>
@if (!IsCollapsed)
<div id="demo">
Lorem ipsum dolor text....
@code {
bool IsCollapsed;