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How to select rows based on two columns creating an identifier and the max date

I have six columns. One of the six columns I created myself. It is two of the columns put together to create an identifier column. I want to select only the max date row for each distinct combination of the identifier column. When I omit the quantity column, I get the expected number of rows. However, once I add in quantity it gives me rows I don't expect. How do I select only the max date rows for each distinct occurrence of my Identifier column?

For example, when I run this query...

 Distinct(L.ItemNo+' 'L.Lot) as Identifier
From dbo.JournalLine L
Groupy by

I get the below results. The row here that I am not expecting is the row with 45 Apples.

Identifier PostingDate ItemNo Description Quantity Lot
I123 LOT123 2021-06-01 I123 Celery 79 L123
I456 LOT456 2021-06-01 I456 Carrot 25 L456
I456 LOT654 2021-06-01 I654 Carrot 21 L654
I789 LOT789 2021-05-28 I789 Apple 45 L789
I789 LOT789 2021-06-01 I789 Apple 38 L789
I789 LOT555 2021-06-01 I789 Apple 11 L555


  • Use window functions MAX() and FIRST_VALUE() to get the values of PostingDate and Quantity respectively of the row with the latest PostingDate:

           ItemNo + ' ' + Lot AS Identifier,
           MAX(PostingDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ItemNo, Lot, Description) AS PostingDate,
           FIRST_VALUE(Quantity) OVER (PARTITION BY ItemNo, Lot, Description ORDER BY PostingDate DESC) AS Quantity,
    FROM dbo.JournalLine