DISCLAIMER : I am French and so I am sorry in advance for my poor english. Please be nice, thank you very much.
So I have multiple files and graphs with different direction (rankdir
). I must merge them to have one big coherent graph.
There is a part on the bottom with the classic toptobottom
direction :
strict digraph G {
compound = true
ranksep = "1 equally"
node [shape=box, style=rounded]
render [label="Rendu de l'image"]
subgraph cluster_controle {
label = "Contrôle qualité"
conformite[label="Conforme à la réalité : simulation visuelle"]
mesure[label="Mesures factuelles"]
fidelite[label="Fidélité de l'image"]
nettete[label="Netteté de l'image"]
nettete -> mesure
fidelite -> mesure
perf -> mesure
mesure -> conformite
render -> perf [lhead=cluster_controle]
Now I have two other parts : one that must go on the left of the main graph, and the other on the right.
Left :
strict digraph O {
compound = true
ranksep = "1 equally"
node [shape=box, style=rounded]
subgraph cluster_opti {
label = "Optimisation du calcul"
tracking [label="Eye-tracking"]
fovea [label="Fovea rendering"]
load [label="Equilibrage de charge"]
denoiser [label="Denoiser"]
ia_denoise [label="IA"]
fovea -> tracking
load -> tracking
denoiser -> tracking
ia_denoise -> denoiser
Right part :
strict digraph A {
compound = true
ranksep = "1 equally"
node [shape=box, style=rounded]
subgraph cluster_precalcul {
label = "Anticipation"
precalcul [label="Précalcul des images"]
ia_mouv [label="IA (mouvements)"]
caching [label="Caching"]
ia_mouv -> precalcul
caching -> precalcul
I tried gvpack -u
but it does not do what I want. The direction (rankdir
) of the lef and right part are not taken in account. I also tried gvpack -g
or -n
but there is the following error :
Error: node render in graph G has no position
Error loading layout info from graph G
And now my questions are :
-array to combine as graphs (not clusters or nodes)
_i to combine the files in the order on the command line (not based on size)
3 to request 3 "columns" of graphs (not a 2x2 grid)
gvpack -array_i3 part*dot | neato -n2 -Tpng
[the gvpack man page can help if you need to alter justification or margins]