The exception "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types" is being thrown when pulling data from a DataTable. Obviously the syntax below is not "DBNull aware." Is there a way to prevent this exception from being thrown if a DBNull is found during the casting?
Dim arrayOfDoubles()() As Double = DT.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) {Convert.ToDouble(x("Age")), Convert.ToDouble(x("Weight")), Convert.ToDouble(x("Location"))}).ToArray()
In addition, I am actually starting with a string array of column names that I know are double. So is there a way to concatenate all the requested column names together in a query string, and then inject that into the Select statement? In this fashion, I will only obtain a double array for row for which all columns are not DBNull.
If I well understand you need something like this where
in Where
clause you can test your field if there are aDbNull
Dim arrayOfDoubles()() As Double = DT.AsEnumerable().
Where(Function(f) f("Age") IsNot DBNull.Value AndAlso f("Weight") IsNot DBNull.Value).
Select(Function(x) {Convert.ToDouble(x("Age")), Convert.ToDouble(x("Weight")), Convert.ToDouble(x("Location"))}).ToArray()
Without being specific in every clause (in where and select) you can use some centralized “trick” to simplify your code as follows:
Dim DT As DataTable = New DataTable
DT.Columns.Add("Age", GetType(Double))
DT.Columns.Add("Weight", GetType(Double))
DT.Columns.Add("Location", GetType(Double))
DT.Columns.Add("Moves", GetType(Double))
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
Dim dr As DataRow = DT.NewRow
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
dr.ItemArray = {i, DBNull.Value, i + 2, DBNull.Value}
dr.ItemArray = {i, i + 1, i + 2, i + 3}
End If
Dim flds As List(Of String) = {"Age", "Weight", "Location", "Moves"}.ToList
Dim arrayOfDoubles()() As Double = DT.AsEnumerable().
Where(Function(f) flds.Where(Function(el) f(el) IsNot DBNull.Value).Count = flds.Count).
Select(Function(x) flds.Select(Function(el) Convert.ToDouble(x(el))).ToArray).ToArray
For Each el In arrayOfDoubles
Debug.Print("Age: " & el(flds.IndexOf("Age")).ToString)
Debug.Print("Weight: " & el(flds.IndexOf("Weight")).ToString)
Debug.Print("Location: " & el(flds.IndexOf("Location")).ToString)
Debug.Print("Location: " & el(flds.IndexOf("Moves")).ToString)