I'm creating quite a few Dexterity content types (thanks zopeskel.dexterity devs!!) but even if I need them to be different content types (searches, collections...), some of them will be rendered equally.
So, there's any way to reuse the same template for different content types?
Ok, I made it work but I'm wondering if it's the correct approach:
from my.product.parent_type import IParentType, ParentType, TwoColumnsView
... code omitted ...
# Common folder for templates
class SameTwoColumnsView(TwoColumnsView):
Any thought? How do you reuse templates across content types?
Create an interface for this:
from zope.interface import Interface
class ITwoColumnViewable(Interface):
"""Can be viewed in a 2-column layout"""
You then assign this interface to your various content types, and register the view for that interface instead directly for a type:
class SameTwoColumnsView(TwoColumnsView):