what I want is the equation of a straight line on a semi - logarithmic scale passing through two points. I will use it in an indicator. The base equation is as follows:
y = k * 10 ^ mx
m = slope of line = ∆(log y) / ∆x
k = y-intercept: value of y where line crosses the x = 0 axis
for example:
x0 = 69
x1 = 174
y0 = 0.0000296
y1 = 0.0001652
m = (log10(y1) - log10(y0)) / (x1 - x0)
k = y0 / pow(10, m * x0)
y = k * pow(10, m * bar_index)
While this equation is absolutely correct, the result of plotting it on logarithmic scale was a curve: https://www.tradingview.com/x/5Tl0lDK0/
Then I realized that apparently in the price < 0.001 range, the logarithmic chart of Tradingview is not working logarithmically!
See this image: https://www.tradingview.com/i/3vWZsxND/
I am so confused.
Does anyone know the cause?
What is the equation corresponding to the chart scale?
Please help if you can.
Concerning the scale with small values, it's expected behavior. Some charts on TradingView can go into negative territory. This would not be possible to accomplish on a real log scale, which is why the actual scale is only logarithmic up to a point and then it changes to linear. It's a necessary compromise to accommodate edge cases such as charts with negative values, drawings with coordinates that go below 0, etc.
[EDIT 2021.06.07 10:08 — LucF]
The equation for the calculation is as follows:
study("My Script", overlay=true)
x1 = bar_index[10]
y1 = input(0)
x2 = bar_index
y2 = input(1000)
xi = bar_index[4]
isLog = input(true)
f_toLog(_price) =>
_m = abs(_price)
_res = log10(_m + COORD_OFFSET) + LOGICAL_OFFSET
_m < 1e-8 ? 0 : _price < 0 ? - _res : _res
f_fromLog(_logical) =>
_m = abs(_logical)
_res = pow(10, _m - LOGICAL_OFFSET) - COORD_OFFSET
_m < 1e-8 ? 0 : _logical < 0 ? - _res : _res
f_lineGetPrice(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xi) =>
_y1 + (_y2 - _y1) / (_x2 - _x1) * (_xi - _x1)
f_lineGetPriceLog(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xi) =>
_y1Log = f_toLog(_y1)
_y2Log = f_toLog(_y2)
_target = f_lineGetPrice(_x1, _y1Log, _x2, _y2Log, _xi)
if barstate.islast
l1 = line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2)
labelHeightxiBarsBack = isLog ? f_lineGetPriceLog(x1, y1, x2, y2, xi) : f_lineGetPrice(x1, y1, x2, y2, xi)
label.new(xi, labelHeightxiBarsBack, text = tostring(labelHeightxiBarsBack))