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th:selected for select tag in Thymeleaf not working

<select multiple="multiple>

<option th:each="vName : ${variety}"





In the above code "selectedVariety" is a string array sent from controller.

I'm not able to bind the select tag on edit.

And this select tag is not a part of entity table so th:filed="*{selectedVariety}" is not working.

Tried th:attr="selected=${selectedVariety==vName?true:false}">

Not working

On using this "th:selected="${selectedVariety}" every option in the dropdown is getting selected.

What may be the solution??


  • The option is selected when the value is included to the String array. You'll need following attribute within your <option>:

    th:selected="${#arrays.contains(selectedVariety, vName)}"

    It returns true (selected) if selectedVariety contains given vName or false (unselected) otherwise.