I'm trying to run a query that matches users having a claim that matches a list of values (as well as limiting by a username).
Using vb.NET.
The statement that I have is:
Dim AllUsers = (From u In Users
From c In u.Claims
Where (u.IsTemplate = False And u.Name.ToLower.Contains(q.ToLower)) _
And (c.ClaimType = CDpermission _
And CDPermissionValues.Contains(c.ClaimValue)) Select u).Distinct.ToList()
CDpermission is a string, CDPermissionValues is an array of string values.
The statement appears to completely ignore the part with the claims - i.e. it's just matching the username.
If I use one of the specific claim values then the statement runs as intended, i.e.:
Dim AllUsers = (From u In Users
From c In u.Claims
Where (u.IsTemplate = False And u.Name.ToLower.Contains(q.ToLower)) _
And (c.ClaimType = CDpermission _
And c.ClaimValue = "INSTIGATE") Select u).Distinct.ToList()
CDPermissionValues may contain one or more values, so I need to check against a list.
Any help gratefully received!
I would think that this would work:
Dim AllUsers = (From u In Users
Where Not u.IsTemplate And
u.Name.ToLower.Contains(q.ToLower) And
u.Claims.Any(Function(c) c.ClaimType = CDpermission And