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RestSharp.Portable - IgnoreResponseStatusCode property does not work on UWP apps?

I am currently using RestSharp.Portable for a while now and I used to set the IgnoreResponseStatusCode of the RestClient class to true in order to manage errors (especially connectivity errors) by myself.

Here a very simple example in a Windows Phone 8.1 app using the universal project and the RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient in version 3.1.0 :

    var client = new RestClient("") { IgnoreResponseStatusCode = false };
    var request = new RestRequest() {Method = Method.GET };
    var data = await client.Execute(request);

    Debug.WriteLine(data.IsSuccess == true ? "success" : "failed");
catch (Exception exception)

If I do not have an internet connection, the code throws a System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException exception with the message Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found)..

And now, if I set the IgnoreResponseStatusCode property to true, the code does not throw any exception. This is the behavior expected, I mean the behavior I have since I use this library.

The issue appears when I am trying to execute the same code on a UWP app with the same version of the RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient library.

It seems that the IgnoreResponseStatusCode does not work and, if I do not have an internet connection, the code throws the following exception (no matter the value is set to true or false) : System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException with the message An error occurred while sending the request.

Is there a way to do not throw an exception in this case ? Is this an issue into the RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient library or is this a normal behavior of the UWP ?

Thx for your help.

Edit : If I use RestSharp.Portable.WebRequest instead of RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient it seems to work correctly


  • I know that my question is old and the library is not maintain anymore, but the author of the library answered the question on github directly:

    The behavior is - sadly - inconsistent across all platforms, because all implementations of HttpClient (not RestSharp.Portable) have subtle differences. I'll try to iron out all those differences, but it can take some time. I'll leave this ticket open for now.