I have a Custom User Model and Custom Backend for authenticating via both mobile number and email.
I want to give my users the ability to reset the password via both email and mobile number, i.e., on the PasswordResetView I want to have both options for resetting the password with the reset password link sent on the mobile number and on the email.
I have my Django project configured to send messages with Twilio.
My question is how to change the PasswordResetView to be able to do that.
We need to override the form_class of the view PasswordResetView.
####### Your views.py #######
class PasswordResetViewOverride(auth_views.PasswordResetView):
form_class = PasswordResetFormOverride
And then to achieve the authentication custom logic we need to override the save method of this default form_class that the PasswordResetView had, i.e., PasswordResetForm. This class has a save method we need to override that. Moreover, we can write its custom clean method and add any other field, in this case, a mobile number field. After grabbing the user with the field of mobile number we can generate the token for them as shown here. With this token, we will create a link and send to users' mobile number using any messaging client(like Twilio).
class PasswordResetFormOverride(PasswordResetForm):
mobile_no = forms.CharField(
label="Your Accounts' Mobile Number",
def save(self, domain_override=None,
use_https=False, token_generator=default_token_generator,
from_email=None, request=None, html_email_template_name=None,
mobile_no = self.cleaned_data.get("mobile_no", "")
# All the previous stuff
if mobile_no != "":
# Send reset link to mobile logic
# All the previous stuff