Search code examples

Navigation on a child of a MDX+ Category hierarchy does not seem to work

the issue

When I define navigation on a child of a Category member I get the following MDX error when I click on a member:

[Stats].[Top X].[Total].[subtotal].[<child of subtotal category]' is not a known MDX entity

this is the set-up

I have simplified the MDX and transferred it to run on the default Sales cube:

set [level] as [Customers].[Geography].[City]
set [selection] as
filter([level],mid([level],1,1) = 'A')
+     filter([level],mid([level],1,1) = 'B')
+     filter([level],mid([level],1,1) = 'C')

/* MDX + function to create a dynamic hierarchy */    
CATEGORY MEMBER [Stats].[ABC].[Total].[subtotal] as [selection] , ADD_CHILDREN=true
CATEGORY MEMBER [Stats].[ABC].[Total].[remainder] as except([level],[selection]),ADD_CHILDREN=false  
{[Measures].[amount]} on 0,
,[Stats].[ABC].[total]}  on 1
FROM [sales]

In the table widget, I have defined the navigation as:

  • click behavior: Drilldown
  • Drilldown Strategy: mdxExpression
  • Drilldown axis: Rows
  • MDX Expression:
when $ = 'subtotal'  then ic3drilldownStop()
when $ = 'total'  then ic3drilldownStop()
when $member.level is [Time].[Calendar].[Month] then ic3drilldownStop()
else nonempty([Time].[Calendar].[Month],[measures].[amount])

Result is set-up for the question

Now clicking on, for example, Bogota gives:

Error: [Stats].[Top X].[Total].[subtotal].[Bogotá]' is not a known MDX entity

the question How to solve this error?


  • The issue is because you're trying to use a category member defined in the SELECT statement itself. As a workaround you could modify your drilldown MDX expression as following:

    non empty
    when $ = 'subtotal'  then ic3drilldownStop()
    when $ = 'total'  then ic3drilldownStop()
    when $member.level is [Time].[Calendar].[Month] then ic3drilldownStop()
    else nonempty([Time].[Calendar].[Month],[measures].[amount])
    axis 0  ([Measures].[Amount], $member) 

    As you can see the expression is not only redefining the axis 1 but the axis 0 as well to mimic the "Filter by" option (i.e., filtering by the Bogota member in your example).