I have an API to read the information from an identity card (KYC) but this API from another part and I paid for the part to use this API (This API is "you take the picture of your ID card then this API will generate a JSON file with the information of the ID card- I show it below). I would like to save the information I get when I import the image of the Identity card to my Database. It's like creating an API contain the API which I paid. with Input is an Image and output is the data saved to my database. I do it in Nodejs. I need to upload an image then the image will be sent to the API which I paid then This paid API export a JSON file and then that JSON file will be saved to my Database. Please help me or tell me the keyword for my research. The JSON File.
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "",
"data": [
"id": "024778631",
"id_prob": "98.57",
"name": "TRẦN TUẤN LINH",
"name_prob": "98.41",
"dob": "03/09/1989",
"dob_prob": "98.27",
"sex": "N/A",
"sex_prob": "N/A",
"nationality": "N/A",
"nationality_prob": "N/A",
"home_prob": "99.08",
"address": "472 CMT8, PHƯỜNG 11, QUẬN 3, TP HỒ CHÍ MINH",
"address_prob": "96.30",
"type_new": "cmnd_09_front",
"address_entities": {
"province": "HỒ CHÍ MINH",
"district": "QUẬN 3",
"ward": "PHƯỜNG 11",
"street": "472 CMT8"
"doe": "N/A",
"doe_prob": "N/A",
"overall_score": "99.22",
"type": "old"
I show the API I paid in this picture.enter image description here
Now let’s suppose you’re using this API as a client, it would return you the above mentioned data. Though, how you save the data upon the database is on you either from a client or directly from a server.
As a client:
As a server: