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Undefined Index in Maatwebsite Excel

I am trying to Import Excel Data in Laravel and Insert into Database. I am using maatwebsite/excel version 3 composer package.

Error: Undefined index: customer_name

Blade file: import_excel.blade.php

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{{ url('/import_excel/import') }}">
    {{ csrf_field() }}
    <div class="form-group">
        <table class="table">
                <td width="40%" align="right"><label>Select File for Upload</label></td>
                <td width="30">
                    <input type="file" name="select_file" />
                <td width="30%" align="left">
                    <input type="submit" name="upload" class="btn btn-primary" value="Upload">
                <td width="40%" align="right"></td>
                <td width="30"><span class="text-muted">.xls, .xslx</span></td>
                <td width="30%" align="left"></td>

Import File: CustomerImport.php

public function model(array $row)
    $data = [];

    foreach ($row as $value)
        $data[] = array(
            'CustomerName' => $row['customer_name'],
            'Gender' => $row['gender'],
            'Address' => $row['address'],
            'City' => $row['city'],
            'PostalCode' => $row['postal_cole'],
            'Country' => $row['country']

Controller Function

public function import(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'select_file' => 'required|mimes:xls,xlsx'

    $path = $request->file('select_file')->getRealPath();

    Excel::import(new CustomerImport, $path);
    return back()->with('success','Excel Data Imported successfully.');

Excel Image

enter image description here

Can anyone guide me please?


  • To use the heading row you need to implement WithHeadingRow like this exmaple

    namespace App\Imports;
    use App\User;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ToModel;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadingRow;
    class UsersImport implements ToModel, WithHeadingRow
        public function model(array $row)
            return new User([
                'name'  => $row['name'],
                'email' => $row['email'],
                'at'    => $row['at_field'],